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Technical paper
CDS Electronics offers a wide range of silver conductive adhesives, resins and underfill encapsulate, that match the requirements of the semiconductor industry and the manufacture of electronic components.
  Resins (dam and fill) CHIPCOAT allow encapsulating type links bonding-wire ensuring reliability of connections in a volume delimited by the application of a bead of resin (dam) which holds the encapsulating resin (fill) of smaller viscocité.
Part numbers Characteristics Viscocity( Pa-Sec)

Tg (°C) Elasticity module(Mpa) CTE < Tg  (ppm) CTE > Tg  (ppm)
  Chipcoat G8345D Resin bead (dam) 55 145 17 15 60
  Chipcoat G8345D-37
Resin Cord (dam) with charges (filler) 60 140 10 25 70
  Chipcoat G8345-6
Resin (fill)- high fluidity 60 145 18 15 50
  Chipcoat G8345-29 Resin (fill) with charges (filler) 35 140 17 17 60